Contemplating retirement; the wise learn from the mistakes of others.

My recollections, thoughts and mistakes (both my own and those gathered from others) on anything associated with the Teachers’ Pension Schemes and retirement.

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Puzzle solving has always been a hobby; as a child I was into board games, chess, cards etc. As a teacher is was year 9 on a Friday afternoon. Now, as a retiree, I enjoy helping colleagues work out their pension options.

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Video Guides

I am not a financial adviser, just a teacher with experience sharing what I have learnt.

My explanations of various aspect of the TPS – teacher-to-teacher.


OK, I admit it. I got annoyed that I had thought that my pension would just keep going up if I kept paying in to it. Having missed the opportunity I’m not just going to moan without doing…this is me doing.

About me

The transition of public sector pensions was illegal. This explains the relevance to teachers Read more
Half your salary, does it mean pensioners have to watch every penny? Read more
The loss of 20% myth. Read more
Just my collection of thoughts on ways the statement and other aspects of the TPS Read more
This is a common topic I get asked about, normally from the angle of someone Read more
The WARNING! When you go to opt out you get "warned" about doing this with Read more
Taking the pension "early" requires a break in employment...but how long a break? The Regulations Read more
How it works. The question was, how long do you have to pay when you Read more
So you found a dodgy break in your history? Over 90% of problems with the Read more
In response to my complaint that no method for applying for retrospective was available I Read more
Turn back time and buy AP in the Final Salary Scheme Link to my Spreadsheet Read more
After hearing again, for the umpteenth time, that you MUST have a break in employment Read more With the "rollback" taking effect every, eligible, teacher has had their 2015-2022 service returned Read more

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