Contemplating retirement; the wise learn from the mistakes of others.

My recollections, thoughts and mistakes (both my own and those gathered from others) on anything associated with the Teachers’ Pension Schemes and retirement.

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Puzzle solving has always been a hobby; as a child I was into board games, chess, cards etc. As a teacher is was year 9 on a Friday afternoon. Now, as a retiree, I enjoy helping colleagues work out their pension options.

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Video Guides

I am not a financial adviser, just a teacher with experience sharing what I have learnt.

My explanations of various aspect of the TPS – teacher-to-teacher.


OK, I admit it. I got annoyed that I had thought that my pension would just keep going up if I kept paying in to it. Having missed the opportunity I’m not just going to moan without doing…this is me doing.

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The Government has concluded the consultation and their response can be found here: Points Read more
One of the details hidden away as a reference to another document and then a Read more
The consultation process on the new regulations for the changes relating to the McCloud case Read more
As well as increasing pensions that are already in payment this figure is used to Read more
The Salary of Reference is often mixed up with the "final salary" and whilst it Read more
The Teaching pension schemes are no strangers to changes in the pension age at which Read more
A 5% pay rise versus double-digit inflation...what is best for your pension? youTube Link Read more
Less than 2 years in the TPS? With less than 2 years you CAN get Read more
Transferring your private pension into the Teachers' Pension Scheme when you start teaching may give Read more
The Government offers you £12 now so they don't have to pay you £1 every Read more

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