Contemplating retirement; the wise learn from the mistakes of others.

My recollections, thoughts and mistakes (both my own and those gathered from others) on anything associated with the Teachers’ Pension Schemes and retirement.

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Puzzle solving has always been a hobby; as a child I was into board games, chess, cards etc. As a teacher is was year 9 on a Friday afternoon. Now, as a retiree, I enjoy helping colleagues work out their pension options.

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Video Guides

I am not a financial adviser, just a teacher with experience sharing what I have learnt.

My explanations of various aspect of the TPS – teacher-to-teacher.


OK, I admit it. I got annoyed that I had thought that my pension would just keep going up if I kept paying in to it. Having missed the opportunity I’m not just going to moan without doing…this is me doing.

About me

Personal Success Catalogue Read more
Is your final salary pension about to fall over a cliff and lose some of Read more
Remedy period case studies (UPS3) examples of protected, tapered and transition members working until 60 Read more
Why you should NOT start your pension on the very first day you can...unless your Read more
60+ and still teaching? The end of the final salary scheme on 1 April 2022 Read more
Or is it... The final salary scheme can no longer be added to after March Read more
When can I get my hands on the pension? In this video I look at Read more
The legal change to remedy age discrimination starts its journey. Read more
If you are over 60 and haven't already started taking your pension you would suffer Read more
Contracted Out Up until 2016 Teachers were 'contracted out' of the additional state pension and Read more

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