60+ and still teaching?
The end of the final salary scheme on 1 April 2022 presents you with an opportunity to take your final salary pension, continue working AND get paid more.
“Golf cake” by Eldriva is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/?ref=openverse&atype=rich
Hi David,
Thank you for the help you provide all us wannabe retirees!
I will be 60 years of age on 15th February 2025. I plan to retire from teaching at the end of August 2025. If I wish to claim my final salary pension from 16th April 2025, will I have to come out of the teachers pension scheme for April? Can I then rejoin the scheme for May to August to keep paying into my career average pension? Thank you. Matty John