Here are some tips and reminders on how to optimise the chances of getting members to engage with your post and for you to get your questions answered.

  1. Watch this video about how to access and read your TP benefit statement: Teacher Pension Benefit Statement

Print out, or save, the latest pdf version of your TP statement and check that it is accurate in terms of salaries and any missing service.

Watching this video will give you a better understanding of the answers you get.

Here is a summary of what your statement contains:

  • Page 1: summary of your benefits across all schemes you are enrolled in
  • Page 3: more detailed summary of your benefits in each scheme
  • Page 4: average salary breakdown of the last 10 years
  • Page 5: your Method A and Method B information
  • Page 7: your Death Grant and Family Benefits entitlement
  • Page 8 onward: your full service history followed by your personal details.
  1. Be clear about which combination of the THREE TP schemes you are in: Final Salary 80th accrual rate/ NPA 60, Final Salary 60th accrual rate/ NPA65 and/or Career Average 57thaccrual rate/NPA=State Pension Age.

If you are asking about retirement options, please state which schemes you are in, your current age and the approximate age you want to retire.

  1. If you are asking about opting out for a month to preserve your ‘best 36 months in the last 10 years’, please tell us if you have had a previous BREAK in TP (either through opting out for a month or more previously or through a gap of at least one full day between employment contracts.

Knowing about previous breaks is important and will most like affect the response to your question. See GUIDE 4.

  1. You can post anonymously in the group and this may be prudent if you are disclosing sensitive information or salary details.
  2. Photographs of statements are helpful if your question refers to numbers on your statement. Remove, crop or redact any personal identifying details from photos eg TP reference numbers, NI numbers, employer name etc
  3. Start a new post rather than piggy-backing your question onto someone else’s post. Piggy-backed questions stand a lower chance of being seen and answered.
  4. If your post is long and/or contains complex concepts, use paragraphs – your post will stand a better chance of being read in its entirety.
  5. If you have multiple questions, break them out in to lettered or numbered bullet points. This way members can answer parts of the questions they know and you will know what the response refers to.
  6. If you want a response from, or are replying to, a specific person, tag them.
  7. Use key words (eg ‘opting out’ or ‘early retirement’ or ‘missing service’) in the search function (magnifying glass icon) in the group. Many questions in the group crop up regularly and have answers that can be accessed immediately.
  8. If you teach in Scotland or Northern Ireland state it in your post. Although the schemes are similar to the English and Welsh TP schemes, there are some differences. Bear in mind that most members in the group are from England and Wales and so responses to questions about the Scottish and Northern Irish schemes may be limited.

Best wishes,

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